Our Company

ZBS Investments is a company specializing in turnkey solutions in the renewable energy sector on a commercial and large scale level Our specialization covers the entire value chain, ranging from project development, construction, financing to operations and maintenance of renewable energy systems in the African region Our expertise focuses on the technical and economical optimization of solar, biomass and hydro power plants

ZBS Investments also provides renewable energy investment advisory and management consulting services to project developers, investors, financial institutions, donors and governments in the analysis, preparation and implementation of a broad range of renewable energy investments, policies and regulations

Partners we seek & Services we offer


We provide investment opportunities from early stage project development to fully connected PV Power plants. Furthermore, O&M and Asset Management Services to secure long term profits of your investment

Project Developer

We can partner up with you from early stage developments and provide technical assistance along the way or purchase your fully developed projects.


You are an industrial or energy trading company and want to purchase clean and unexpensive electricity? We can provide PV electricity, so that you, your clients and the society benefit from your decision.

Investor, Developper & Off-taker

We can simply design and build the most reliable and care free PV system for you. A full package including Operation and Maintenance service. So that you can concentrate your efforts on your core activities.

You can learn more from our asked questions

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